BURNT SIENNA BOULEVARD! New street in the neighbourhood!

The Artesian

BURNT SIENNA BOULEVARD! New street in the neighbourhood!

BURNT SIENNA BOULEVARD! New street in the neighbourhood!

Please be advised that this event is subject to our current COVID-19 policies, which are available at www.artesianon13th.ca/pages/covid-safety. The policies on that page are our most up-to-date policies and are in effect regardless of provincial restrictions.

The Artesian is wheelchair accessible, all-ages, and a proud supporter of positive spaces initiatives with a zero-tolerance policy towards hate, harassment, and/or discrimination. We reserve the right to remove any patron creating an unsafe environment. The accessible entrance is available via a lift, Please ask staff for help if necessary.

Show Details:

3:30PM - Doors Open + "Street Art": Hands-on, easygoing art making with local artists pre-show.


*Adults welcome in audience or the lounge if their child is 10yrs+. Adult must remain in the building for children under 11yrs.

5:00PM-5:45PM "Street Social": Post-show, make friends, enjoy some snacks! (Bar will be open for drinks)

Tickets: $10.00 at the door ($20.00/family). No one will be turned away.

NEW SHOW! SAME "BS" with Kris Alvarez!

After 5 years of Burnt Sienna, Kris reimagines her "variety show with a lotta colour"... with Young People! And Puppets! A joyful thoughtful invitation to take time and visit this street we all live on, Burnt Sienna Boulevard!
